Thursday, 15 January 2015

Dinner Dishes


- Steamed threadfin fish
- Stir-fry arrowroot with dragon leaves
- Stir-fry lettuce leaves
- Apple beetroot chicken soup
Additional - sunny side up for daddy and mummy, fully cooked one for lo

Steamed treadfin fish -
1 piece XL size cut threadfin fish
1 small knob old ginger (cut into thin strip)
5 red dates (deseeded)
1 black date
1/2 Tbsp wolfberries
2 Tbsp pineapple puree
(1) Marinate fish with pineapple puree for around 30 minutes.
(2) Preheat steamer till boiling point. Put all ingredients with fish on a steaming-resistant plate except wolfberries.
(3) Steam on high heat for 5 minutes, add in woftberries and continue to steam for another 8 minutes.

Stir-fry arrowroot with dragon leaves -
2 cloves garlic (sliced)
4 arrowroot (thinly sliced)
1 cup chopped dragon leaves
(1) Heat up some oil on a cooking pan. Saute garlic till fragrant.
(2) Add in arrowroot slices and pan fry till lightly brown on both sides.
(3) Add in dragon leaves and stir-fry a short while - or till 80% cooked. Once done, dish out immediately.
Stir-fry lettuce leaves -
2 cloves garlic (sliced)
2 lettuce head (end part trimmed)
1/2 cup beetroot soup base
Heat up some oil on a frying pan. Saute garlic till fragrant. Add in lettuce leaves and stir fry a while or till half cooked. Dish out immediately.
Apple beetroot chicken soup -
1 red organic apple (cored into equal slices with skin intact)
1 beetroot (quartered)
1 piece chicken part with bones (blanched)
1 honey date
(1) Heat up some water in a slow cooker pot.
(2) Add in all ingredients and slow cook for 6 hours.

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