Tuesday, 17 February 2015

Almond millet milk served with persimmon, rolled oat and muesli

Breakfast: Almond millet milk served with persimmon, rolled oat and muesli 

Recipe for milk (using Philips soy milk maker):
1/2 cup raw almond
1/4 cup millet
4.5 cup filtered water
1/2 persimmon (diced)
1/2 cup muesli (soaked overnight)
1/4 cup rolled oat (soaked overnight)
some chopped parsley
Set to mix grain mode and let it cook. Alternative way is to use a blender and cook on stove.
To remove the almond skin, blanch in boiling water for 5 minutes, drain and pour onto a bowl of cold water and then rub off the skin using both hands.
Let the milk cool to room temperature before add toppings.

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