Saturday, 13 December 2014

Rice with petai prawn sauce (14M 29D)

2/3 cup cooked rice
2/3 cup petai
1/2 cup small prawn (marinated with 1 tsp of apple cider vinegar)
1 kampung egg
2 cloves garlic (finely chopped)
1 shallot (sliced)
1 Tbsp corn flour
1 cup soup stock

(1) Heat up some oil on a cooking pan. Saute garlic and shallots till fragrant.

(2) Add in petai and stir fry till almost soft. Add in small prawn and stir fry shortly, it cooks fast.

(3) Pour in 2/3 cup of the soup stock premixed with corn flour and bring to boil for 2 minutes.

(4) Turn the heat down, make a well in the middle and beat in an egg between the ingredients. Slowly, stir the egg till it totally dissolve. Add in the remaining soup stock or some water if necessary.

(5) Once done, dish out and pour over cooked rice.

Made 1 adult serving

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