Thursday, 17 September 2015

Homemade flour

I had previously made almond flour [here].

I remember I have a big batch of milk pulp that i froze from homemade milk [here] that i did. I decided to finally thaw it to make it into flour, as i am clearing my fridge to prepare for my confinement.

I am not sure about the quantity but basically, the pulp comprises a combination of organic soy bean pulp, almond pulp and cashew nut pulp. The pulp basically filtered from the milk that i made and i had froze it for several months.

(1) Thaw the pulp (if is frozen) overnight.

(2) Preheat oven at 100c. Spread parchment sheet over baking pan. (I used 3 baking pans to dehydrate all at once).

(3) Spread the pulp in a thin layer, evenly on the baking sheet.

(4) Dehydrate it for 12 hours at 80c and stir / flip the pulp every now and then to make sure it dries evenly. (I did it 3 times and swap the position of the baking pan every time)

(5) Once done, let it cool under room temperature.

(6) Blend using a good blender till flour texture is achieve.

1. Keep in air tight container, in fridge and use the flour like how you use it in any other recipes, in this case it is gluten-free mix flour.
2. Soy or soy by-product tend to turn brown quickly thus it is best to consume immediately after use. It is also best to keep in fridge to use it as and when.
3. The pulp must be thoroughly dry before the blending step, otherwise the flour may turn rancid under refrigeration.

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